Saturday, May 3, 2014

Coast to Coast

The R family came to the game because they wanted to see K play. It was so sweet of them and K was so excited to have them be there. Home Farm played Lucan FC and they beat them. 

K and N
After the soccer game the R family went back to their hotel so that they could do some sightseeing in town. We went back to the house to relax and get ready for evening mass (and we watched the Dubs play in the spring semifinals on tv). The Dubs won! Joe was kicking himself he did not go down to the game. I tried to convince him to take the children. We then went to mass at the Pro-Cathedral in town and then met up with the R family for dinner. We found them in the Temple bar area...they had just toured the Guinness Brewery. 
T trying on all the Irish accessories! 
L with her buddy, Coach Alex!
We ate dinner off of Grafton Street at Milano's. Thats another one of my favorite places to take the children to dinner. We all were so hungry from the long day that we devoured our food. L insisted on sitting next to Coach A at dinner and would not leave him alone. I definitely need to be worried about L when she gets older...she loves boys!
After dinner Joe and AR stayed in Temple Bar to "sample the Irish beer". ;-) KR and I walked with the children back to the hotel where my car was. L cried all the way back home because she wanted to stay with her Daddy. It was so sad! Then K was staying with the R family for a sleepover. Then L was crying in the car for Daddy and K! Goodtimes! Luckily T and L went to sleep right away when we got back to the house. 

I told Joe that the last bus out of town was at 11.20pm. He missed it! Then I told him to just take a taxi that it would not cost much. I got this picture from looks like Joe was having fun in Temple Bar. 
I find out the next morning that Joe walked all the way back to the house from town. He said it was a nice 45 minute walk. He was very proud of himself that he saved money on a taxi. 

The next day we had to deal with the cistern tank in the attic. It was not filling up with water. We realized this the night before when T went to take a shower and there was no water coming out. When Joe went up to the attic the tank was empty. I made a few phone calls and Joe talked to a few of my family members...and they realized how to fix it. Joe drove up to Woodies (its like a Home Depot) and got the part to fix the tank. Yea we now have water and we could all take staggered showers! It was after lunch by the time this was all fixed. K was staying with the R's and was sightseeing with them until we caught up with them in town. 

K's day with the R Family:
The girls on O'Connell Street
They did the on and off sightseeing bus

Dublin Castle
Christ Church Cathedral
St. Patrick's Cathedral
We drove into town so we could meet up with the rest of the gang. They were all on the bus so we went down Henry Street to do a little shopping for our Italy trip. We finally met up with everyone on O'Connell Street. We walked down to Trinity College to see if we could get in to see the Book of Kells. was already closed for the night! 
Trinity College
Trinity College
We walked around for awhile and the R's did some last minute shopping. Their flight was leaving in a couple hours and they were headed to London for the rest of their spring break. Somehow we ended up back at the gelato and crepe the children all got ice cream and crepes. We walked back to the hotel to get our cars and drove to the airport. 
We will miss you R Family!!
L ran out of the car at the airport to give Coach A the biggest hug! We had a great time with the R family and it was so nice of them to come visit the island. We are going to miss them and K and T are going to miss their buddies! 

Thanks so much A and K for coming to visit! We had a blast!

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