Friday, June 20, 2014

Tourist Guide to Dublin

I think now after living in Dublin for almost a year...I should be able to write a tourist guide to Dublin. I know its a little late now since all my visitors have come and gone...but you might never know when you might be traveling to Dublin. So here it goes....

1. Don't bother bringing an umbrella. 

Yes, it rains here a lot, but rarely heavy enough to really need an umbrella. And its so windy, so half the time the umbrella gets blown inside out. We just throw our hoods up, keep walking, and get wet. 

2. Bring a scarf. 

Everyone wears a scarf here, even the men. It blocks the wind and keeps you warmer, and its a fashion statement. If you forget to bring one don't worry...there are loads of stores here that sell them. 

3. Wear layers

It may be chilly outside and cozy inside. Or you go from chilly outside to barely heated inside. 

4. All bathrooms are cold.

Yes they are cold and many are not even heated. Some have the window open in January, to keep the germs away (but they are all still cold). Always! And if you sit down on the toilet, prepare for an icy shock!

5. People really are friendly.

The myth is true - the Irish are friendly. Old ladies will start random conversations with you at bus stops, clerks ask you your life story, the coffee cashier asks how the weather is. If anyone comes to your house to do work you always invite them inside for a cuppa tea. Here, that's normal.

6. Food costs more for less.

If you go out to eat, you don't get everything and the drink for 5 dollars. McDonalds will run you at least 7 Euro/per person. A cheaper meal could run a tenner, with a drink, but no refills. Portions are small as well. Which is probably why you NEVER see an obese person in Europe. At breakfast tho they will offer you 14 courses, and you will not be hungry until dinner anyway. 

7. There is also a trick to ordering water. 

If you want water, they will ask you "still or sparkling?" Which you will be charged for. If you don't want to pay for water, ask for tap water. 

8. Dublin is quit an international city now.

In the recent 10 years I have been surprised how many languages you here at the bus stop. When I was young everyone was Irish and had never stepped out of the country. 

9. Expect to see herds of school children in uniforms. 

If you come during the school year, you will see uniformed children everywhere. You will laugh at some because they literally look like they have stepped out of Harry Potter. 

10. Beware of cyclists, children on scooters, and baby buggies. 

Everyone bikes here. If you are driving, you will have a bicyclist pass you up at least once, or cut around you, or get in the turn lane with you. If your on the sidewalk, you will be passed by a child on a scooter. You will also see a Dad on a bike with one child on a little seat perched on the front bar and another child in the back seat. Or a woman in a skirt and fab boots peddling her bike with groceries in the basket...and LOTS of women and men pushing buggies, child passed out asleep in the seat, and groceries heaving out of the bottom basket. 

11. Not all Guiness is the same. 

Some pubs are better then others - believe it!

12. Not all pubs serve food. 

If they do they usually will have a sign out front. 

13. Pubs in Dublin's City Centre will fill up quick after 5pm. 

Especially on a Friday when friends meet for a drink after work. If its after 7pm - good luck! You will not be able to get a seat. 

14. You can take your drink outside here. 

There's no smoking in pubs, so you will always see people outside with a pink and a cigarette. Yes..its normal here!

15. Children roam freely here. 

This took me a long time to get used to this with my own children, but as a child when we used to come to visit we went everywhere on our own! Children take the public buses to school and into town. They walk to the shops alone. 

16. People curse. A lot. Unfortunately. 

Words like "arse" and "feck" are commonly used as well. Don't take it personally, it mostly isn't. Unless you're being a fecking idiot. 

17. Be wary of buses.

I think all buses are like that night bus in the Harry Potter movie, where it defies laws of space and gravity. Dublin bus drivers are a special breed, able to fit these double decker contraptions through spaces they really shouldn't be able to. And they go faster than they seem to be allowed. Its impressive and scary at the same time. Don't ever try to cut them off in traffic, or try to beat crossing the street. Respect the Dublin bus, or you may die by the Dublin bus. 

18. Get dessert.

The scone with butter and jam, or the tart,  or pavlova. Treat yourself! Get an ice cream...if its sunny outside everyone will have a cone in their hand. 

19. Relax. There is no hurry. 

If there is, they will tell you to move your arse. But mostly, just chill. Enjoy life. Sit down when you order your coffee and tea. Thats why almost every store has little cafe inside. Life here is more laid back. Go with it. You won't regret it. 

20. Eat lots of CHOCOLATE. 

Cadbury chocolate here is the freshest chocolate in the world and it is hands down the best in the world!

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